Automatic tempered water dosing system

Acquatec is a fully automatic system for dosing and mixing water to the established users, carrying out precise loads in quantity and temperature, in a very short time. The system can be inserted into a data network and then perform dosages required by other systems.


  • Control of simultaneous activation of utilities.
  • Self-diagnosis of valve sealing.
  • Autodiagnosi strumentazione conta litri.
  • Self-diagnosis of liter counter instrumentation.
  • Temporary suspension of dosage for any out-of-threshold..
  • Possible initial and/or final cold dosage.
  • Safety temperature probe.
  • Historical dosages made.
  • Machine status display.
  • Guided parameterization in bands.
  • Queued call management.
  • Network operation


PDF: acquatec.pdf

Dosing group

Dosing group

Actuator unit

Actuator unit

Internal electrical panel

Internal electrical panel